International Branches
Our mission is to raise and channel funds to the amazing work of the Thembalitsha Foundation (South Africa).
Contact Details
Lindsay Ngidiwe
Board Members
Helen Baxter-Southworth
Anthony Geard
Lindsay Ngidiwe
Kirstin Henley
Contact Details
Thembalitsha UK
3 Wey Court, Mary Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4QU
Helen Bubb
Board Members
David Wartski
Kate Christie
Anthony Geard
Kimberley Johnston

Thembalitsha USA
Who is TUSA? Thembalitsha USA’s mission is to raise and channel funds to the amazing work of the Thembalitsha Foundation (South Africa).
Thembalitsha UK
Who is TUK? Thembalitsha UK’s mission is to raise and channel funds to the amazing work of the Thembalitsha Foundation (South Africa).

Partner with Thembalitsha in a short-term mission!
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a difference today!
Are you interested in expanding your global understanding by partnering with Thembalitsha in a short-term missions experience?
If so, contact us by filling out this form!