Cokiswa’s Story of Hope and Transformation
If you ever wanted to witness how hope physically transforms someone, then Cokiswa’s story is the way to do so.
Having just lost one of a set of triplets, and raising 2 older children too, she was struggling to make ends meet. Seeing a way out, a way to grasp hope, was difficult. But Grace, a fellow community worker, reached out to her and supported her in several ways as much as was possible. She realized that Cokiswa needed a more than handouts though, and therefore referred her to attend Themba Training’s Basic Sewing Courses in May 2023.
The idea was to just give Cokiswa a break from her surrounds, have her learn something new, providing hope.
Unbeknownst to Grace or Cokiswa, a friend of Themba Training donated towards 2 beneficiaries’ course fees earlier on in the year. Cokiswa could therefore attend the course without Grace having to fundraise to subsidize her minimal course fee.
This story turned out different than we thought it would though.
After completing the 3-day sewing course, Cokiswa kept coming to our sewing space at Yethemba Place – very much to our surprise and confusion. Still shy, almost not saying a word, barely making eye contact with anyone, she kept showing up daily. After about two weeks, the Project manager discussed this with her, explaining that the course was completed and outlined the options available at Yethemba Place to her. She would be able to make use of the sewing “hotdesks” to further practice her new skills or join us in other courses. Knowing of her difficulty, the hot desk was made available to her on a sliding scale with the idea for her to start making full payment for this service towards the end of August.
She stated:” I am bored at home, and this space makes me feel happy.” She agreed to this new plan.
In the weeks that followed she slowly gained more confidence in using a sewing machine and asking for help and settled into herself and the team. We could see in her posture and interactions how hope was physically transforming her.
She later told Themba Training staff that she felt safe, and inspired to learn more, and welcome to ask questions.
She was quickly absorbed into the team that working on large sewing contracts, assisting with smaller tasks wherever help was needed and under the supervision of one of our experienced seamstresses. In the months that followed, she grew to earn a stipend for work done well.
We have seen her blossom from a shy and incredibly quiet individual, walking with head hung low and shoulders slumped, to the most fashionably dressed part of our sewing team full of conversation and a very quick sense of humour.
From world weary to hopeful and growing in confidence, Cokiswa will join the Themba Training Sewing team formally as a sewing intern in 2024. We look forward to her continued progress and cannot wait to see her work her way on to becoming a full-fledged member of our sewing team. Watching her blossom is a huge privilege, and a very humbling experience. To say we are inspired and proud of her, is an understatement.