Agape Educare


Agape Educare, situated in the informal settlement of Asanda Village, Cape Town, was founded in 2011 by local Nomzamo pastors. Agape’s goal is getting young children off the streets and into a safe, caring environment to prepare them for a successful career at school. Agape Educare caters for children from the local informal settlements of Zola. This settlement, which mainly consists of informal housing (shacks), is heavily over-crowded.

Agape Educare brings hope to the vulnerable children of Nomzamo, by providing education and loving care. Parents leave for work knowing that their young children are no longer roaming the streets or are being looked after by neighbours or older siblings. They are cared for in a safe and loving environment and receiving a holistic education.

Agape transforms the lives of vulnerable pre-schoolers (2-6 years) by providing an excellent Early Childhood Development program and significantly increasing their chances for future success. Agape accommodates 90 children per year.

Agape Educare has transformed the lives of almost 1000 children to date, providing them with educational skills and values for life.


As in all our educational projects, Agape offers a holistic approach to childhood development. Our skilled and qualified staff meet all the requirements of the Department of Social Development, as does our curriculum, which focuses on self-care, care for the environment, good relations with neighbours and friends, and making a positive contribution to the community.

The premises houses three classrooms, a well-equipped outside play area, a fully functioning kitchen, an official vehicle and our own food garden. Agape focuses on a well-balanced and healthy childhood, where children thrive in an atmosphere of unconditional love and care, which is essential for early childhood development.

Malnutrition is a huge challenge in the area. Children are often sent to school with a small bag of potato chips for breakfast. Agape offers two nutritious meals a day, and a healthy snack between meals. In 2022 we provided 56 400 meals, as part of our commitment to supporting our young learners.


The primary reason behind the drive for early childhood development in South Africa is because the extent to which children develop in their early years has a significant impact on their potential later in life. According to UNICEF, half of a person’s intelligence is developed by age four. Early childhood interventions have a proven lasting effect on intellectual capacity, personality, and social behaviour.

Many informal settlements in South Africa face the challenge of “warehousing of children”. Parents leave early for work, return late and leave their children with a neighbour. The children are often kept indoors in a small space until the parent returns form work.

This is true for the area surrounding Agape Educare and is the main reason Agape Educare was founded. Many children were either left with a neighbour, in a small room with many other children, or alone at home. Others were playing in the streets unsupervised while their parents were out at work. These children were at risk, left on their own without care and any form of educational stimulation.

Agape Educare caters for these vulnerable children, offering loving care and education to 90 children (6 months – 7 years). Agape also offers a support group to single parents to strengthen their parenting skills.

Providing education and loving care.

We are Agape Educare

Agape was founded by local Nomzamo pastors with the goal of getting young children off the streets during the daytime and into a safe, caring environment where they would be prepared for a successful career at school. Today Agape has three classrooms and a beautiful play area, providing education and loving care to 90 preschool children.

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When translated from Xhosa, our name “Thembalitsha” means “new hope”.

Our Aim

At Thembalitsha, we aim to restore and bring a new sense of hope to the destitute, forgotten and vulnerable people of the Western and Eastern Cape.